Tighter Hugs…

I was listening to an interview with Kirk Cameron the other day and he said something really profound. I paraphrase. “Sometimes God allows what He hates so He can accomplish what He loves. To accomplish what is good for us.”

One thing I believe God is doing. He is teaching us to stop taking so much for granted. A few months ago, if you hugged someone as a greeting, or a congratulatory hug, or a nothing-better- than a mommy, daddy, grandma, or grandpa hug, you and I ASSUMED (took for granted) they would be followed up with more hugs. Suddenly, we are taught all about social-distancing, the daily buzz word, and HUGS are no longer permitted. What? If we only knew what God already knew. We may have hugged a little longer and a little tighter, filled with more compassion and care. Now we know. The question moving forward when this “too shall pass” is, will the hugs mean more and will we freely give them more? I know for me the answer is yes.

There is so much good that come from what looks bad. In these storms of life, we find ourselves becoming more dependent on God and learning what trusting Him really means. And what we discover which I believe is the best life lesson– we learn to praise Him for what some may say are small things, but to Him every praise given from our tongue and our heart is simply HUGE! And in my own life, I have found time and time again- when I praise Him in the small things, He trusts me to handle the bigger things because He knows praise will follow.

Hugs typically last 3 seconds long. Studies have shown, giving a hug for at least 20 seconds or longer, something amazing happens. It has a therapeutic effect on the body/ mind. A sincere hug, the longer hugs, produces a hormone called “oxytocin” – known as the love hormone.

If you are blessed to be in isolation with someone – then engage in longer hugging even if you have to wear a face mask and gloves. Hug your pets a little longer and teach your baby girls to hug their baby dolls a little longer too. And if you are alone, then wrap your arms around yourself and hug yourself tight because you are the hands of Jesus giving you that loving hug you needed today.

Let’s find the blessings in the midst of uncertainty or confusion. Hugs cost nothing but they can be worth much.

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