Month: June 2016

Don’t worry about tomorrow…

Worry brings tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine.  Why worry about tomorrow when we have not been guaranteed it?  I know it is easier said than done and it takes prayer and practice.  We are guaranteed today, so why not start it off great…in thanksgiving and prayer.  Quickly in your mind, maybe even using your ten fingers, name off 10 things…

And who you are when everyone is watching…

You know we have all heard the term, “Character is who you are when no one is watching.”  Well, I also believe and used it as a teachable moment for my daughter last night as I said watching the end of the NBA playoffs…yes, this Mom LOVES NBA basketball.  I said, “Now that is true manly character.”  She asked, “What…

I want to be famous…

My son and I were riding along in the car the other day, when all of a sudden he blurted out, “I want to be famous.”  I smiled and then decided to use this as a teachable moment. I replied, “Well, you know what?”  He looked at me and reminded me, “Mom you are not supposed to say what” Gosh…

Honey, can we sit down and…

Have you ever said to your spouse or kids, “Honey can we sit down and listen to each other?” Or are we used to saying, “Honey can we sit down and talk?”  Ouch!  We are made up of a society who wants to have the last word and social media is proof of this very thing.  How much more value…