Month: September 2016

You Kept that? To, You Kept That!

It is amazing how a young child can express themselves so beautifully as they craft an innocent note or a picture onto a notebook page. What do we do with these mis-spelled silly little notes and writings?  Do we just throw them away or do we embrace something beautiful that is to be treasured? I found a note inside my…

Too Funny!…Eye Chart Test

We were at my daughter and son’s annual eye exam and so the eye doctor let my young daughter go first and then afterwards said to my son, 12 at the time, “Ethan are you ready for your eye test?”  Ethan replied, “Yes sir, Doctor.”  I could see a little fearful look come over his face.  All my  son held…

The Unwanted Hand…

The innocence of a precious child can in an instant be stripped away By the unwanted hand, who without any regard for human life, selfishly targeted this child as one on which to prey   A complete emptiness, confusion, dirtiness, and filth consumes this child for years Keeping this deep dark secret as Satan fills this child with guilt as…

“Mom, I have the pluj!!??”

I was listening to one of my favorite cartoon characters saying, “Be wery wery quiet, I’m hunting wabbits!”…It brings an immediate smile because he is so cute and speaks so innocently and I just want to pinch his little cheeks. The other day, my son came and laid down beside me and said, “Mom, I am not feeling too good,…

What would your illustrator create?

I was doing a quick interview with my son, 13 years of age, about his new book, Marvel in your Autistic Eyes and he decided to quickly jump in with: “Hi my name is Ethan and the name of my book is Marvel in your Autistic Eyes and it is written by Mary Wasson and illustrated by Mr. Williams!” Then,  you…

United We Stand…

Without realizing, a t-shirt I had picked out for my son to wear to school today got this Mom fired up as my kids had to hear my take on a player who has decided to sit during the national anthem.  My son was like, “Mom, I think you need to calm down.” So here is my take to my…

Poem: Red Tear

In the middle of this battlefield where the war is real It becomes chaos, coupled with fear, for here lies still A brave soldier tends to another fallen brave soldier who is wounded indeed For this fallen soldier displayed such courage and bravery as in combats his troops he did lead Agony and pain from each of the wounded is…

Coming soon… Release of my new book

Are you looking for encouragement as you travel alongside someone you love who has autism?  That is what you will find as, together, we uncover some beautiful character qualities that children with autism exhibit everyday.  I want positive and uplifting stories and that is what you will find in each page of my new book.  This is a journey that I…

The Middle School Halls (For a boy with autism)

Every day a boy named Stewart would anxiously watch the clock during every moment of his daily Physical Education class. Even though he loved doing all the activities his P.E. class offered, he secretly dreaded when the class bell would ring – the signal for the middle school kids to change classes. See this young teenager named Stewart had autism.…

Shut up old lady!

  I have been so proud of my son as he is learning such great manners and it is truly music to this Mom’s ears when I hear, “Yes, ma’am”, “No sir”, and so forth. I can stand a little taller knowing my constant efforts for good manners are paying off. The other thing that I have been so proud…