Month: January 2017

The importance of his bible…

Whether you have a strong political view either way, how can you not bow your head and thank Jesus for Donald J. Trump’s mother?  I would have to say that most people reading this has never met this lady, this MOM, who no longer lives.  I bet “way back when” she decided to give her son whom she loved so…

Not massage, but an operation

Our ears perk up when we hear the word massage because we know this means a pampering is in sight. Many people who want to have a relationship with Jesus want to feel pampered like a wonderful massage and only want the “feel good” messages because we want things easy.  People want to hear that ONLY the best is in…

Good ole-fashioned CALENDAR…

If I could recommend ONE New Year resolution for you, it would be this:  Get yourself a good ‘ole fashioned calendar…that really means a wall calendar that you can write on! I say this because no one seems to use a real wall calendar anymore….everything is kept on devices instead so it seems old fashioned to most today! Something amazing…