Month: March 2016

The blame game…

This Mom can be a speed demon when needed and yesterday was a great example of what not to do. As the kids and I were rushing out the door to get to piano on time, I slightly hit the brake and hurriedly crossed over a main highway to make it on time.  Well, a police officer watched my “slightly hit…

What kind of A.R.K. will you build?

What kind of A.R.K. will you build?  What kind of Acts of Random Kindness will you build this week?  Would you build an ARK in a stranger life’s?  Would you build an ARK so big that it draws media attention and everyone has to see because this was your intent?  Would you build an ARK that is so tiny even…

Turn that frown upside down…

Yesterday, as the kids had gotten home and headed straight for the trampoline instead of their regular routine of coming into the house and releasing backpacks and jackets, I became flustered– down right flustered! In the moment, I didn’t think about the excitement of the gorgeous Spring day that Jesus delivered to us, but about our routine. Without realizing it,…

The bus bully…

We all tense up as soon as we hear the word “bully” come from the mouths of our children or someone we love.  This made me do some inner searching on where most of school bullying lies…on the bus! Gosh, for a moment, my heart goes out to these amazing bus drivers ( most are really great) who do their…