Month: February 2017

Hug a little tighter…

Children with autism just seem to hug a little longer and a little tighter because they are not insecure about what other people may say about them… Children with autism just seem to have the most sincere and authentic smile because the smile inside their heart illuminates on their faces… Children with autism will voice honest words that we all…

The Seat next to Me…

May I ask you a question today?  When you jump into your vehicle, what does the seat next to you look like?  Yes, we may screech thinking about all our work papers, kids homework, a pair of socks after a soccer practice, and I get stressed thinking about all the stuff… I believe the seat next to me in my…

Seeds of You…

My biggest prayer is that everywhere I go, I plant seeds of You  So others can know You the way I personally do As I start my day, when I get out of bed May words of thanksgiving to You be daily said As I head out the door on my way to work, hurriedly May I take time to…

Just cleaning tables…

Once there was a man, mid thirties, that had grown up in church.  Through the years, he strayed away from God after losing his wife and child when she went running off with another man and moved his only child, his daughter, out of state.  Now, he could rarely see his daughter because he couldn’t afford to visit her out…

You may be the only Jesus He sees today…

Gosh, in this crazy world full of negativity and everyone wanting to jump on some bandwagon, it is easy to become bitter and full of hate or other yucky feelings.  I do not want to be this way. Someone was interviewing a little boy and he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up.  The little boy…

Born different…

I heard one of my favorite pastors on the radio share this story and it made me think of children with autism too.  Here it is in my own words: Once there was a little girl born with a cleft lip.  Knowing the kids would make fun of her for being born different with a lip that looked odd to…

Richest people on earth!

If you were asked, “Where do the richest people on earth reside?”….you would think and try to find out…hey, maybe some of it will rub off on us in our trying economic times…right?  Our ears perk up instantly! Sadly, the answer is not glamorous like the diamond fields of South Africa.  NO, the richest people on earth reside in cemeteries…