Month: May 2018

The gift…a Mother’s Day story

An art teacher at a local elementary school was running low on supplies, but she knew Mother’s Day was right around the corner.  She used money from her personal paycheck to purchase supplies so her students could make their mother a Mother’s day card. She never knew the impact her kind-unseen-gesture would play… A very poor little girl arrived home so…

The gift…a Mother’s Day story

An art teacher at a local elementary school was running low on supplies, but she knew Mother’s Day was right around the corner.  She used money from her personal paycheck to purchase supplies so her students could make their mother a Mother’s day card. She never knew the impact her kind-unseen-gesture would play… A very poor little girl arrived home so…

Surrender to your weaknesses or your strengths…

Have you ever noticed when things are running smoothly in your world, out of nowhere, something unexpected and unwanted happens?  I believe we all have seasons of life when everything is going our way and then seasons of life when everything just seems to be falling apart. Sadly, Satan knows our weaknesses and he is waiting for the perfect opportunity…

Would you ask your child this question?

The last chapter of my book Marvel in Your Autistic Eyes will make you cry, but I think an inspirational cry that makes you feel good inside and full of hope for someone you loved touched by autism. If you read, you will see how I decided to challenge myself based on a program I had listened to about parenting…