Month: August 2017

Just some apples….

I once heard this story and it is very powerful, but in my quiet time, Jesus shared a way I could expand it to share about Him more deeply so here it goes: A businessman was running with his co-worker through the airport on this Friday afternoon determined not to miss his trip back home after a long week away.  He knew…

“Prop us up, Lord”…

I came across this story and it seemed so appropriate for the times we live in today. There was once an old deacon in a Southern Baptist church who always prayed, “Lord, prop us on our leanin’ side.” Curiosity got the best of the gossiping ladies club, so one widow woman asked the deacon one day, “I am sure you…

Abusive Thoughts…

One day as I was recently driving, which I do lots with my career, I was thinking about a biography I am editing with my amazing 10th grade English teacher.  Sometimes, I cry as I read chapter after chapter of this powerful story of abuse that my mother endured, but was spared.  I hope you can read her story one…