Month: March 2018

Never too old for cookies!

Back in the day of “Leave it to Beaver”, Mom’s wore their finest clothes to make dinner with their strand of pearls and perfectly done hair, oh and high heels!  We cannot forget high heels…WELL, this is truly a depiction of HOLLYWOOD glamour and if we watch an episode today, we laugh. But, there was a Mom, a Mom named Cookie,…

Can this murderer go to heaven?

My nine year old daughter and I were having this deep conversation on a Monday morning heading to school. As soon as we hear this question, “Can a murderer go to heaven?” We shout out “No”…and if we know the person who was murdered we convince ourselves of this same “No!!!”.  We allow our own hearts to be murdered because we…

We all want to be known for something!

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered how people would remember you after you are dead and gone?  If we stared long enough in the mirror, I believe we can all come to the same conclusion- We all want to be known for something!  I did not say we all want to be famous, even though…