Month: February 2016

To celebrate or not to celebrate?

Well, today is a really special day for many people who get to officially celebrate their “leap year” birthday because they were born on February 29th.  Now the other three years before another leap year rolls around, the question becomes, when do I celebrate my birthday?  Some choose an early birthday (Feb 28th) and others rather wait a day and…

May this day go away…

Have you ever had a really bad day?  Of course, we all have.  Maybe today is not going so great for you.  Well, then this devotion was created for you. As I was driving my kiddos to school the other day, I am sure it must have been a Monday ( those seem to be one of the most unpopular days…

Why do you shun me?

This title immediately makes me feel yucky all over.  We have all experienced it, some more than others, and it feels downright lonely and makes us feel unwanted. To shun:   persistently avoid, reject, ignore Now let’s turn the tables for a moment…ouch!  How do you think our Creator who knew us before we were in our mother’s womb feels daily when we…

Did you take my cookies?…

Now don’t mess with a woman, especially a stressed out Mom and her cookies.  What a delight to enjoy something sweet in life.  Laughter is a another sweet thing for the soul. I want to share a poem from my book, Potter’s Hand Poetry and since it was one of my favorites, I have added in my memoir too about…

Sprinkle some “Cl” in that dish of _ _ _

Originally posted on mom2mykidsblog:
I was listening to a Republican candidate running for President. As he was speaking, my 13 year old son with autism walked by in the exact time that this candidate chose (This candidate chooses on a frequent basis), to blurt out a cuss word so my son said in a loud tone, “Yes we are going to kick Isis ass!”  I…

Sprinkle some “Cl” in that dish of _ _ _

I was listening to a Republican candidate running for President. As he was speaking, my 13 year old son with autism walked by in the exact time that this candidate chose (This candidate chooses on a frequent basis), to blurt out a cuss word so my son said in a loud tone, “Yes we are going to kick Isis ass!”  I had to stop and sigh…

Golf course or putting green?…

As I was sitting in a doctor’s appointment yesterday with my son, God used something he said to really grab my attention.  The doctor asked him about a pool he shared that our family was building and the doctor asked, “So is there anything else you can tell me about the pool?”  My son, like many times, ignored the question and replied,…

Valentine’s Day Challenge: Kindness Counts

I have a challenge I want to pose this Valentine’s Day to make 2016 the best Valentine’s Day for many people…what you ask?  Good. I was pondering, like most, what in the world would I get this husband of mine because for goodness sake, we just celebrated Christmas. It occurred to me….the most beautiful gift at Valentine’s Day, since it…

Funny, but true story…James. P. Sullivan

Since I recently wrote a more serious topic and since I love to laugh, I decided I would share a light hearted, funny story that came from my son who never ceases to amaze this Mom.  You can find this story and others in his book that hasn’t been published yet called Marvel in your Autistic Eyes, Character lessons from…

Random Search?

On an almost 300 mile drive today as I work full-time, ( yes I need a good back rub) being in the car gives me much time to listen to many programs and spend much time in prayer.  As I was listening to a program, I thought and wanted to pose this question which deals with character and evaluating ourselves even when…